Cyber Security Insurance

Comprehensive insurance protection against malicious attacks

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Cybersecurity involves protecting digital systems from unauthorized access, theft, and damage. It's crucial in our increasingly digital world, and includes tools like firewalls and data encryption to prevent cyber attacks. Cybersecurity is especially important for organizations handling sensitive information. As cyber attacks become more frequent and sophisticated, it's essential to keep up-to-date with evolving technology to stay ahead of cyber criminals.

Even with the best protections, attackers can find a way in. All it takes is one wrong click. Make sure you are protected against a calamity with a Cyber Security Insurance Policy.

Free with every policy

1. Active Risk Assessment - Understand your risks in real time comprehensive insurance coverage

  • a. Personalized digital risk profiles: real time depiction of policyholder’s risk
  • b. Automated, intelligent underwriting: accurately evaluates and prices risk

2. Active Protection - Monitoring and alerting to identify and prevent risk before it strikes

  • a. Continuous scanning and monitoring: across all connected assets
  • b. Automated notifications: stay informed on new or changing risks

3. Active Response - In-house response teams & leading coverage if an incident occurs

  • a. In-house claims and incident response: quick response to resolve and minimize losses
  • b. Comprehensive coverage: broad coverage backed by trusted reinsurance partners

Differentiated insurance coverage

  • Up to $10M in aggregate coverage
  • Broad business interruption coverage
  • Enhanced coverage for:
    ○ Systems failure
    ○ Computer replacement
    ○ Bodily injury / property damage
    ○ Social engineering
  • Breach response coverage outside the limits
  • BYOD devices, IoT usage, andsocial media
  • Cost of system upgrades and reputation repair

We cover these industries & more!



Hotel / Motel

Hotel / Motel

Insurance Agents

Insurance Agents



Retail & Wholesale

Retail & Wholesale

& many more!

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Questions for Cyber Insurance and (Optional) Technology Errors & Omissions Insurance

Responses to the questions below are necessary to obtain a quotation for Cyber insurance and, if desired, Technology Errors & Omissions coverage. After a quotation for insurance is bound, the Named Insured will be asked to electronically sign an application populated with the responses from the questions below.

General Information

Attestation Questions

1. Within the last 3 years has Named Insured suffered any cyber incidents resulting in a claim in excess of $25,000?

2. Is Named Insured aware of any circumstances that could give rise to a claim under this insurance policy?

3. Does Named Insured implement encryption on laptop computers, desktop computers, and other portable media devices?

4. Does Named Insured collect, process, store, transmit, or have access to any Payment Card Information (PCI), PersonallyIdentifiable Information (PII), or Protected Health Information (PHI) other than employees of Named Insured?

4a (If Yes) What is the estimated annual volume of payment card transactions (credit cards, debit cards, etc.)?

4b (If Yes) How many PII or PHI records does Named Insured collect, process, store, transmit, or have access to?

5. Does Named Insured maintain at least weekly backups of all sensitive or otherwise critical data and all critical business systems offline or on a separate network?

6. For which of the following services does The Named Insured enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

7. Does Named Insured require a secondary means of communication to validate the authenticity of funds transfers(ACH, wire, etc.) requests before processing a request in excess of $25,000?

8. Within the last 3 years has Named Insured been subject to any complaints concerning the content of its website, advertising materials, social media, or other publications?

9. Does Named Insured enforce procedures to remove content (including third party content) that may infringe or violate any intellectual property or privacy right?

10. Will The Named Insured have an active technology errors and omissions policy concurrent with this insurance policy?

Technology Errors & Omissions Questions

Questions below are required only for Technology Errors & Omissions coverage.

1. Please describe the company’s use of technology in delivering its product and/or services.

2. Within the last 3 years has Named Insured been subject to a dispute or claim arising out of a technology error oromission in excess of $25,000?

3. Is Named Insured operating as a managed service provider (MSP), or does Named Insured participate directly in or sell technology products/services designed for any of the following industries?

• Cryptocurrency
• Cannabis
• Internet of Things
• Financial Services
• Healthcare

• Blockchain
• Automotive
• Aviation
• Military/Defense
• Gambling

• Payment Processing
• Adult Entertainment
• Point of Sale (POS) Software /Hardware/Reseller

• Payment Processing
• Professional Services (Legal,Medical, A&E, or other licensed professional services)

4. How often are Named Insured’s services provided by written agreement or contract?

5. Identify the standard risk mitigating clauses or methods contained within Named Insured’s agreements or contracts. (Select all that apply)

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