August 25, 2021
Many industries, including insurance agencies, often overlook the customer right in front of them: the local community. Reaching out to a local client might sound like a job for a billboard, sign, or TV commercial, but a website is even more critical at a local level than you might realize. For example, 97% of people research a local company the most through the internet. Even then, 72% of customers will search for businesses five miles within their current location. Reviews and a good website will get you far the next time you land your next hometown client.
Your location, both physically and online, can land you your next client. How can you ensure your website will attract the clients closest to you? The answer is in three letters: SEO or Search Engine Optimization. In essence, SEO is a method to make your website seen on the internet. Let’s go over some SEO tactics that will help you find your next local client.
One of the most important aspects of good SEO practices is a good keyword. What is a keyword? A keyword is a word people enter on Google or any other search engine to find their query. Depending on your focus, you will want a keyword that allows more potential clients to find your website while they search for you. How do you know if you are using the right keyword? Some websites, such as Small SEO Tools, allow users to check their keyword ranking compared to similar websites. The higher your ranking, the more likely you will pop up in a search result. Check yours out!
A good keyword is great, but how will you lure in people locally? A great way to get your website on the map (literally) is by setting up a free listing on Google. Setting up your business on Google boosts your presence in local searches and links customers to your website. Furthermore, a Google Business Listing provides your agency’s address, phone number, hours, and more helpful information for curious searchers. And, possibly most important, customers can rate your agency and provide reviews on their experience: the higher your rating, the higher chance of seeing more new clients from your area.
Each page of your website includes a headline that describes exactly what is on it; this is called a meta title. Of course, you’ll want to include your keyword to help build a presence in search engine results, but wording these titles correctly can be critical. The title is what appears in your search results. If a potential client is looking for a specific insurance service, let’s say “workers’ compensation,” these titles need to list your agency name, keyword, provide information about what the customer is looking for, and be around 50-60 characters long. Hit all of these marks, and you hit two birds with one stone: your website will climb higher on search engine results and catch the eye of a potential visitor.
Sometimes, you need to engulf yourself in the community before you get visitors to your website. Participate in local events and hand out your business card; don’t forget to put a link to your website on the card! Also, most social media allows you to attach a website to your profile, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on. You don’t need to overtly throw a link every second at everyone online to get their attention; mention a positive review from your other clients every now and then, letting their words speak for you.
SEO is a living and breathing thing, especially when attracting local clients. Strategies that worked one week could leave you hemorrhaging viewers from your website the next. Keep your local search information on Google up-to-date with any meta titles, keywords, and social media connected to your website. If you can keep the balance, attracting clients in your area could prove lucrative.
At Normandy Insurance, we value both our agents and our clients. If we can help both of you by improving your website searchability, we’ve done our job!
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