Meet the Normandy Team

Our Leadership Team

Heshy Langner
Co-Chairman, President & CEO

Eli Tisser
Chief Financial Officer

Jayson Buechler
Senior Vice President & CUO

Cindy Howard
Senior Vice President, Claims


Pat Grandmaison

Billing Manager

The Billing team is truly top-notch. They generate invoices, manage payments and process audits.

They are always available to answer any questions you have, big and small. Each billing member also takes a shift answering the live chat so we can provide real answers to all billing related questions.


Evie Perry

Premium Audit Manager

The Auditing team is superb. They manage a team of auditors who follow up on every single policy once a year. Balancing the book can be a complicated job but they do it with a smile. They know that audits can be daunting at times and are happy to help you get ready. Check out this list of tips they've created to help you prepare for the audit.


Jose Beltran

Claims Manager

The Claims team is really compassionate. They are extremely detail oriented and take their jobs of managing care very seriously. They strike a key balance between great care, quick and full recovery and keeping costs down.

The team doesn't follow the typical industry model and has a unique approach borne from years of experience and proven to have better outcomes. They include the policyholder's in all important discussion and decisions for all-inclusive, no surprises approach.


Greta Cook

Underwriting Manager

The Underwriting team is really terrific. They process and quote every single Acord application that comes our way. They take a very hands on approach and will ask very detailed questions to get a clear understanding of the risk so they can try to underwrite it.

Plus, they do all that as quickly as possible. Did you know that almost every quote submitted by 12pm is replied to that day? Ever agent is assigned to an underwriter so you can build a rapport with them. You can always reach out with any questions. They're very happy to help.

Loss Control

Michele Matheus

Loss Control Manager

Our loss control team is really caring. Safety is their middle name and they do a terrific job at it. They are available for every policyholder who wants to make their workplace environment safer. They can help create a safely program and share tips how to minimize risk of injuries in the job.

If you want to do it yourself, check out the list of extensive resources they've compiled? They really care and it comes through in every interaction.


Laura Lieberman

VP, National Accounts

The Marketing team is our most energetic team! Spread all over the country, from Pennsylvania to Florida and over to Texas, they've got our states covered. Our Territory managers drive around and visit our agents, bringing them goodies and keeping them up-to-date on our latest news and offerings.
They also serve as the point person for questions on our underwriting guidelines and what we'll write. If you are interested in working with us, reach out and we'll put you in touch with the manager in your neck of the woods.

Our Marketing Team

Ellen Huff

Senior Field Underwriter, North Central Florida
See my Bio

Frank Primato

Senior Field Underwriter, West Central Florida
See my Bio

Michelle Joyce

Marketing Representative
See my Bio

Shanelle Adams

Territory Manager, South Florida
See my Bio

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